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The Berkley Crosslock snap is a well tested snap combined with the trustworthy Mc mahon Swivel. Extreme resistance to opening during twisting/shaking/shock events.
You can set up standard or multi-hook paternoster (dropper) style rigs the easy way with these crossline three-way swivels
Berkley Fusion19 Fast Snaps - The Berkley Fusion19 Fast Snaps will help you change your lure even quicker than before! We think these are perhaps one of the best creations for the lure angler, once initially tied to your leader there is no need to retie knots when switching between your lures, simply snap and twist into place and do the reverse to remove.
This unique surf fishing kit contains six classic end tackle parts for surf fishing. Make the most popular surf rigs - and increase you catch!
"**Kinetic Makk Tube** Glowing tubes and bead are the most used rig attractors. Good tubes are vital for your fishing, and with this line of tubes from 5 – 8mm rigging will be easy. * Soft and durable rubber tube* Great glow effect"
Gemini Power Swivels, Super strong rolling swivels. The strongest swivel in the Gemini range, remaining compact yet offering a breaking strain of 45lb. Ideal for use on a snood 25 Per pack
Gemini Power Swivels, Super strong rolling swivels. The strongest swivel in the Gemini range, remaining compact yet offering a breaking strain of 100lb. Ideal for use at the top of a rig body or at the end of your shock-leader. 25 Per pack
SPRO Shrink Tube. Perfect for styling predator leaders and masking crimps, knots and hooks. It prevents tangling and protects the mainline against weed and other debris. Comes in two sizes 2.0mmø and 2.5mmø and each pack contains 1m of tube. Gentle application of heat (hair dryer) shrinks the tube.
Sakuma rolling swivels. A relatively strong swivel for its size(stronger overall
Essential for protecting knots on many types of ledger rigs Qty per pack:10
Instant cyanoacrylate rig glue suitable for: joining nylon, fluorocarbon and braided lines; mounting beads on the line; fixing connectors and bushes on the tips; strengthening knots; tying flies and tube flies etc. etc. Bottle with very accurate applicator. Perishable product store in the fridge. The bottle contents 10 gr.
Many anglers just want to give their rig that special appearance. Now you have an excellent chance pimping your own rigs. Only the imagination sets the limit, when choosing from the 1000 different beads, which you are offered in this great selection. Some of the beds are soft and some harder. Many different size
Mustad Luminous Glowing Pipe Use on hook snoods to draw fish to the bait.Re rig Red Devils and Hokkais
Kinetic Barrel Swivel w/Scandic Snap One of the best inventions ever. Change your lure in a split second. Get maximum rotation/less friction when using Barrel Swivel w/snap. Brass and stainless steel material Black and Brass colour
This pack is the no brainer essential supply for a few hours beach fishing. 3 Plain weights 3 grip weights 3 Standard traces Clip swivels Bait elastic
Rig Box. Storage for EVA rig winders. Box comes complete with 10 winders and includes pins
Pack of 100 beads mixed colours.5mm or 8mmThe 8mm are mainly used as attractors while the 5mm can be used to trap swivels or can be used as attractors.
Kinetic Weighted Swivel Give your set up a twist adding a weighted swivel. You can use this swivel in many ways. You can even mount it on your stinger to give your shad some belly weight. A truly innovative and versatile product.
Kinetic Weighted Swivel Give your set up a twist adding a weighted swivel. You can use this swivel in many ways. You can even mount it on your stinger to give your shad some belly weight. A truly innovative and versatile product.
Tsunami Pre-Threaded Beads Tsunami pre-threaded beads are a boon - especially in low light conditions or if your eyes are not what they used to be! The standard beads have are mounted singly on two key rings each with 5 pre-mounted threaders.
Quick fix swiveling boomsSimply crimp in place to quickly make paternoster rigs
Sakuma 1MM SILICONE TUBE Strong and suple.For a multitude of trace making aplications such as bait and rig stops,knot protectors,stand off booms and pennell rigs.
1.5mm Tubing: With the increased internal diameter, this is more for use on the rig body, again mainly for sliding stop knots. It can also be used as a stand off on your hook lengths/snoods to help prevent tangles.