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A range of quality flies presented in attractive blister packaging. These modern patterns have been selected to offer maximum quality and value.
A selection of 4 large predator flies with weed guards to enable fishing into structure and weeds
A selection of 7 buzzers with a good range of colours
A compact selection of 6 flies for river fishing. Including Sedges,Parachutes,Klinkhammers
Snowbee Gold Head Nymph Fly Selection, 7 Flies.
Selection of 7 classic sea trout flies
A selection of 7 Snowbee dry daddylongleg variants SF116
A selection of Pike Flies from Donegal Fly Co (Formerly Rogans)Covering the main parts of the colour spectrum to match this predators mood on the day.4 per pack
For over 20 years, Dragon Tackle have consistently delivered hand tied flies